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2012-10-16 [XxTsomexX]: XD I think he meant Lucas, since Lucas was the one that brought it up.
2012-10-16 [Duredhel]: I think he meant his own rant about Akantha.
2012-10-16 [Evolution X]: I believe that is the appropriate response.
2012-10-16 [Figgy]: XD Yes. Thank you.
2012-10-16 [Flisky]: Addy is going to strangle that boy...
2012-10-16 [Evolution X]: Addy?
2012-10-16 [Flisky]: Adrianne...the girl whose form Casper is using. I can see the lecture going something like this...
"You could have hurt yourself and then I would have been at blame. You have two good legs, use them! And I told you not to go around looking like me!". Etc... XD
2012-10-16 [Evolution X]: Unless Casper changes back in front of her.
2012-10-16 [XxTsomexX]: Would Endelyn know the difference, since she is Addy's roommate and all? The childlike talking is Addy like at all, especially since she's been back from limbo.
2012-10-16 [Flisky]: Plus when Addy BAMFs high like that, she does it on purpose.
2012-10-17 [Duredhel]: So... no one answering Casper's question?
2012-10-17 [Evolution X]: My guy's kinda... sideways... on the floor.
2012-10-17 [Figgy]: I get Anthony not answering. But Lucas and Justin just blatantly ignored him >_>
2012-10-17 [XxTsomexX]: I'm waiting for Catherine to react before I go on with Ende. I was planning for Ende to answer him, then to realise it isn't even Addy in the first place and wonder who the imposter is, rather loudly.
2012-10-17 [AccountUnavaili able]: Lucas has never really met Rook, he couldn't answer if he wanted to...
2012-10-17 [Figgy]: Casper/Addy did not fall, guys XD He's still clinging to the chandelier.
2012-10-17 [ZeoOfFire]: I edited my post :)
2012-10-17 [XxTsomexX]: my keyboard isn't working lol i will answer later. had to copy and paste this whole thing.
2012-10-18 [XxTsomexX]: Sorry it took me so long. My laptop's name is satan.
2012-10-18 [twitchboy]: my rant was on Ankantha
2012-10-22 [Ms. Steel]: But, but, but... Kyle's just... misunderstood.
2012-10-22 [Lepellier]: I thought Anthony was bald? o.O
2012-10-22 [Evolution X]: GAH! Automatic response, sorry. Yes he is bald, I just forgot.
2012-10-22 [Lepellier]: Haha, it's quite alright. I was just mildly confused.
2012-10-23 [twitchboy]: lol yeah i didnt say anything bad about Kyle though
2012-10-24 [XxTsomexX]: Catherine post.
2012-10-26 [ZeoOfFire]: Sorry, been all over the place...
2012-10-26 [Lepellier]: Nathan is in front of the Fridge door.
2012-10-26 [Evolution X]: Ah, right.
2012-10-26 [Evolution X]: Tsome, did you change your name? <_>
2012-10-27 [Evolution X]: I got so confused...
2012-10-28 [AccountUnavaili able]: Should I wait for Justin?
2012-10-28 [Duredhel]: ... >> just post.
2012-10-28 [AccountUnavaili able]: well, isn't there a posting order to these things?
2012-10-28 [Lepellier]: Normally, but Twitch seems to have disappeared.
2012-10-31 [Figgy]: Catherine post? :3
2012-11-01 [ZeoOfFire]: been terrible at posting recently, sorry
2012-11-01 [Lepellier]: Oh, this could be a lot of fun for Nathan. lol
2012-11-02 [Figgy]: Did anyone ever think of having their character... dunno, leave the kitchen and go interact with other people? Or are you people content here? >_> It just feels so slow.
2012-11-02 [Lepellier]: Nathan just got here and is waiting to talk to just Endelyn at some point. Also, we were kind of waiting on a few people to post for a while.
2012-11-02 [Figgy]: I know that much, but I mean like... people like Lucas, or Justin, or Catherine. I mean, no need to justify why they haven't left, it just feels like nothing is happening here XD
2012-11-06 [Duredhel]: Who's holding you guys up here?
2012-11-06 [Lepellier]: Twitch.
2012-11-06 [Duredhel]: Damn D: he was just around, too. Well.. he logged in and didn't post... so that means you guys can go ahead without him 8>
2012-11-06 [twitchboy]: no one even responded to my question
2012-11-06 [Duredhel]: Sorry twitch XD thought you had logged off.
2012-11-06 [twitchboy]: he asked about his missing friends and everyone looked away and whistled
2012-11-06 [Duredhel]: oh, By the way, Nathan DID reply to Justin's question... with another question though XD.
2012-11-06 [Evolution X]: my yelling was removed from every page I put it up on...
2012-11-07 [twitchboy]: Justin is in the hall
2012-11-07 [Lepellier]: I thought he just poked his head out?
2012-11-11 [XxTsomexX]: Hurrr????
2012-11-11 [Duredhel]: Whoops 8>
2012-11-11 [XxTsomexX]: Haha it's all good. Finally found my computer charger.
2012-11-13 [Lepellier]: Bump?
2012-11-15 [XxTsomexX]: Endelyn nearly jumped out of her skin just with the lights going out. When they came back on red; and sirens started going off, she felt her stomach knot up. "Whet is happening?" She questioned, quickly forgetting her frustrations with the microwave as a slight fear set in. However, she kept her head up and opened the door the the hall, poking her head out. "Hello? Do you know what's going on?" She called out.
2012-11-16 [XxTsomexX]: Endelyn pulled her head back in for just a brief moment. "Come, there are others in the hall." She said, and went fully out into X-men Center 2nd.
2012-12-05 [Flisky]: Used the description from the third floor kitchen, except that the window overlooks the front of the mansion, not the back.
2012-12-16 [Figgy]: .... seriously, guys, pay attention to where you post >_>
2012-12-16 [Evolution X]: pardon?
2012-12-16 [Figgy]: Note where I moved things from.
2012-12-16 [Evolution X]: Ah, right, sorry, my internet connection is being really messy lately, so I'm liable to make mistakes.
2012-12-16 [Figgy]: Well, it was mostly Valera's fault.
If it doesn't look like it goes there, my guess is it probably doesn't go there. So don't modify it to make it fit >_>
*being extra picky*
2012-12-16 [Evolution X]: I reiterate Valera's get out of Jail free card. Babies.
2012-12-16 [AccountUnavaili able]: Hmmm? Are we not meant to post here? :s If not my apologies, I could always move the current posts to the mess hall instead?
2012-12-16 [Duredhel]: Er... she meant that you posted in the wrong place in the page, not in the wrong page.
You posted where the page description goes, over the hr tag.
It's fixed now tho.
2012-12-16 [AccountUnavaili able]: Oh ok, then I definitely apologise, my bad. (Also evo babies didn't do this, I did, my fault entirely :P)
2012-12-23 [Duredhel]: Erhm... Ronin. Is that Guy's normal reaction to a blue, yellow eyed, three toed, pointy eared girl with a tail suddenly materializing in a puff of smoke? O,o?
2012-12-23 [Flisky]: Materializing no where near any entrance to the room as well?
2012-12-23 [Dwarf Ronin]: He has been there for nearly 4 weeks. I don't think much would disturb him at this point.
2012-12-23 [Duredhel]: Uhm.. ok then. Just might want to try a bit harder on the posts XD. Give people stuff to react to and react to the stuff they post.
2012-12-23 [Flisky]: Plus keep in mind that Addy doesn't usually smile and that she looks like she's upset despite the smiles. Gotta react accordingly. :P
2012-12-23 [Dwarf Ronin]: I'm sorry my posts are lacking in descriptive juices. It's hard for me to write creatively in past tense. I have problems trying to figure out sentences and if they go right. I'll rewrite my posts to keep everybody happy, but if it fails to be proper tense or english; not my fault.
2012-12-23 [Dwarf Ronin]: Going to bed now, I'll be on when I get back up
2012-12-23 [Roma]: Shouldn't Addy have gone up in size since she is now 18 instead of 15? I thought maybe it would have filled out in some places.
2012-12-24 [Flisky]: She was malnourished for three years. She lost what little extra pounds she had.
2012-12-24 [Flisky]: But she has gone up a bra size, if that counts. :P
2012-12-24 [ZeoOfFire]: Always.
2012-12-24 [twitchboy]: i should waits?
2012-12-24 [Flisky]: I post to much. :P
2012-12-24 [twitchboy]: I want to respond but i dont wanna leave Lucas, Guy and Anthony out lol
2012-12-24 [Dwarf Ronin]: I like how I changed my reaction and now I'm the bad guy rofl
2012-12-24 [Flisky]: Yep. Totally the bad guy. XD
Nah, that was Rene, who pissed Addy off before she ever got here.
2012-12-27 [Flisky]: *poke*...*prod
2012-12-27 [Evolution X]: It has been the Chrirstmas holidays.
2012-12-27 [Flisky]: I know. But I am still going to poke after three days of inactivity.
2012-12-27 [Evolution X]: yeah, I want Lucas to post though.
2012-12-27 [Flisky]: Did Valera take a vacay? I know everyone is off, but I haven't seen him in over a week.
2012-12-27 [Evolution X]: he's just been very busy.
2012-12-27 [Flisky]: Well...I would say go ahead and post just to get Anthony and Addy the hell out of there. Then there's less people stuck here. But that's just me.
2012-12-27 [Evolution X]: it's been a while... we don't want to go too far ahead.
2012-12-27 [Flisky]: Usually if you're missing for a long period of time, things move on. *shrug* Just...most of us move our characters out of the way. I'm not complaining, just explaining my opinion.
2012-12-27 [Dwarf Ronin]: Well, I'm waiting for others to respond.
2012-12-27 [XxTsomexX]: The nose of Tobias, Zeke's malamute guide dog, poked into the kitchen as he came in. He was followed immediately by Zeke herself, and she sensed there were quite a few people already there. She recognised Addy's vibrations, they were always some of the oddest, sometimes dissapearing, or suddenly appearing. With all her abilities and such, which Zeke did not like very much. She had learned about Anthony's, and was just starting to be able to tell his vibrations apart from Vlad's. Guy's and Lucas' vibrations she hadn't cared to learn about, since she never really had any interactions with them. The vibrations that she'd been looking for were Justin's, and she finally managed to sort them out. "Morning everyone." She said briefly as she patted Tobias on the head for his good job of finding the boy. "'Ey Justin. Ready to learn some more today?" She said with a grin, knowing he'd probably just be using Tobias more again.
2012-12-27 [Lepellier]: Oh, please, please tell me they were "Good vibrations".
2012-12-27 [XxTsomexX]: XD good song.
2012-12-28 [AccountUnavaili able]: really sorry guys, busy busy busy.
2012-12-30 [XxTsomexX]: As Zeke felt everyone else leave, most without even a hello, she made what would've been a glare at the door, if her eyes could even send such things to others. With a shake of her head, she turned it back to Justin. "So you've progressed. That's good news." She said. "I've got an idea, for possibly tomorrow. Halo, you and me are going to go to a store and pick up hairdye. I'm feeling like I need a change of color. You can help her decide if you're eyes are working. If not, hell. Just yell out a random color. Not like I can see it."
2013-01-04 [Figgy]: ..... how does she know where justin pointed? XD
2013-01-04 [XxTsomexX]: Crap lol I'm thinking she caught the image from his movements? When something or someone moves, it creates a sort of image in her head, but no detail. So it would seem like he pointed, but she wouldn't be able to tell you he was wearing two different shoes, or what is on his shirt, or even what color her hair is.
2013-01-05 [twitchboy]: if zeke is toph-esk then she can probably "see" any movement
2013-01-05 [Figgy]: Toph could only see movements that sent vibrations through the ground that she was standing on/touching, though. I just find it a little hard to believe that Zeke could feel vibrations of a simple arm movement through the air. But whatever.
2013-01-05 [twitchboy]: true.. that is why she called Aang twinkle toes....
2013-01-05 [XxTsomexX]: Sorry I'm not perfect with my postings. >.>
2013-01-05 [Figgy]: Uhm, no one is. I was just pointing out a sort of, to me, glaring problem. It was kind of a "Hey, look, I'm helping," but, you know..
2013-01-05 [Roma]: It's a good point with some attitude behind it so it doesn't go down nicely.
But she's right.
2013-01-05 [XxTsomexX]: Should I go back and change it? Or have my skills as an rper declined enough that I should just stick with one character, if even that?
A little irritated. It seems that I get these sort of things happening a lot.
2013-01-05 [Roma]: Probably more of a 'remember for next time' kind of thing.
2013-01-05 [Figgy]: I didn't really put any attitude behind it. And don't get irritated. Just try to fix it for next time and move on. Dur and i point out any problems we see so don't think we're singling you out.
2013-01-05 [Dwarf Ronin]: Don't get let down. I'm sure glad I have these guys to help me out with my postings.
2013-01-06 [twitchboy]: I screw up all the time to capt no worries. Things are different form the battle of fantasy fighter huh?
2013-01-22 [Roma]: Only 'experienced' students talk about marshmallows for several posts on end :O
2013-01-22 [Evolution X]: marshmallows?
2013-01-22 [Roma]: Just read the page >_>
2013-01-25 [Figgy]: Endelyn?
2013-01-25 [XxTsomexX]: Sorry lol computer didn't tell me it was edited. I hate my mom's laptop ><
2013-01-28 [Lepellier]: Under no context does the line "Let me just wash these and we can head to your room, okay?" ever not sound dirty. Just saying.
2013-01-28 [XxTsomexX]: It's Endelyn. She doesn't notice it. She meant in the context of watching movies since that's where they said they were going to watch movies. She has no idea it can mean any other way.
2013-01-28 [XxTsomexX]: She took both cups already?? Confused.
2013-01-28 [Figgy]: Does it make any difference? He could've slid the cup towards her before she got it >_>
2013-01-28 [Lepellier]: I didn't see anything about her grabbing the cup from him, so I took it as she just motioned for it or something.
2013-01-28 [Figgy]: "Let me just wash these and we can head to your room, okay?" she suggested, taking both cups and going to the sink to wash them.
2013-01-28 [XxTsomexX]: Obviously I am still hungover, because my posts still suck. Tried answering this last night when I was freshly hungover and was like "uuuuhgahuuuug
2013-01-28 [Lepellier]: Derrrr...Oops. XD
2013-01-28 [Lepellier]: Honestly, your posts are fine. It's my ability to not be ADD that sucks.
2013-01-28 [Figgy]: You were too focused on the dirty aspects.
2013-01-28 [Lepellier]: More than likely. My brain just skipped the part about her actually gathering the mugs...
2013-01-28 [XxTsomexX]: Thank you Figgy :) I had no idea how to spell it lol
2013-01-28 [Figgy]: 's'ok. Whenever writing it in dialogue, et cetera is always spelled out.
2013-03-07 [Flisky]: Um...guys...th
2013-03-07 [Duredhel]: XD CC and Haunted might want to amend their posts if flisk is ok with it, because it's kinda crappy that the chars didn't see Rook cleaning up a fire mishap.
2013-03-07 [Flisky]: Yeah, that's fine. Which is why I commented. ^_^
2013-03-08 [Haunted Fate]: Yeeeeah. Myyyyy bad. I was reviewing stuff at work and noticed that Rook was still actually there. xD I'm so sorry. I could definitely edit my post so you can interact with us?
2013-03-08 [Duredhel]: Yeah :3 try to edit. I'm sure CC can edit too.
2013-03-08 [Haunted Fate]: Ok, I edited. xD
-Such a crappy person-
2013-03-08 [Duredhel]: Don't be afraid to edit more to make it more realistic, Flisk said she could edit her own post afterwards.
2013-03-08 [Flisky]: Yeah...still..
2013-03-08 [CuteCommander]: Ah, didn't realise people were still in -_- Dumb dumb me. That's what comes from just going ahead and posting instead of asking
2013-03-12 [Figgy]: Devlin
2013-03-13 [CuteCommander]: Sorry, I don't usually post in the evenings or night since I have my pregnant girlfriend to look after :P I'm a daywalker
2013-03-18 [CuteCommander]: Apologies for the lack of posting over the weekend - girlfriend needed a lot of attention :P
2013-06-22 [Evolution X]: I seem to have some issues posting at the moment...trave
Anthony took a while to notice the new person standing in the doorway, looking as bad as Anthony felt. He'd been eating his food, and very little much else existed around Anthony when he was ill and eating food. He swallowed his mouthful of pancake, then said very slowly "You're sick too huh?" towards Kyle.
2013-06-30 [Figgy]: Soooo, should I wait on Zeo, oooor...?
2013-06-30 [ZeoOfFire]: Unless something important crops up, rarely wait for me. Catherine's a sleepy poo now anyway, so she's likely to be slow
That's my excuse, and I'm sticking with it :P
2013-07-07 [Figgy]: poke
2013-07-07 [CuteCommander]: Lillium could do with a reaction to what's happened
2013-07-10 [Figgy]: poke again
2013-07-11 [Evolution X]: who plays Lillium?
2013-07-11 [CuteCommander]: [Haunted Fate]
2013-07-11 [Figgy]: Er... just skip her, guys. It's been a week and I haven't been told anything.
2013-07-14 [Figgy]: Psst... Lillium and Devlin should organize a big snowball fight with other students after kids leave for missions ;3
2013-07-14 [CuteCommander]: Good plan!
2013-07-18 [Figgy]: .... I got a legit question. Did some of you never get called to the office for random stuff over the PA in high school? Anthony is the third character to freak out about this >_>
2013-07-18 [Evolution X]: My school didn't have a PA. It's not really the done thing in Britain.
2013-07-18 [Figgy]: Mkay, just wondering.
Doesn't explain Sasaiya and Rage, though XD
2013-07-18 [Ms. Steel]: I think the only time that my name was announced over the PA in high school was when I wrote a poem about the consequences of drunk driving when I was a member of SADD.
...but I figure students living in the x-mansion should be not be taken totally by surprise if Danger gives a HOLLAAAAAAAAAA
2013-07-18 [Figgy]: I guess we just had a lot of PA announcements in my hs :/
No, in all honesty, I got called to the office.... once or twice. If it was twice, I only remember one reason, and that was cause one of my bitchy classmates called the principal to tell him I was driving recklessly when she was the one riding my ass for no reason to get my license plate :/ *victimizes herself*
But, no, really, maybe it's a Southern thing? XD
2013-07-18 [Ms. Steel]: OBviously, I'm just an excellent judge of character.
I think students were usually notified to come to the office or wherever via the classroom telephones or something. To be honest I can't really remember... in a school of about 2,000, maybe it was easier? I dunno. Although I do re-visit my high school years with some frequency in my dreams...
2013-07-18 [Figgy]: They would also send office workers with notes to the teacher, but sometimes they would come on the individual's classroom and call us.
Maybe that was elementary school.
2013-07-19 [~Valkyrie~]: We had a lot of PA announcements in elementary school (California), but they were rarely about specific students. If they called out students by name it was because it was a group from different classes and it was something positive, like the lunch with the principal thing they used to do a raffle for at assemblies.
I couldn't tell you about the higher levels though, I was home schooled after the third grade.
2013-07-19 [~Valkyrie~]: I'm going to go ahead and wait for another post or two before I post myself?
2013-07-19 [Figgy]: You guys can probably skip Casper, but maybe wait on Lillium?
2013-07-19 [~Valkyrie~]: That was my thought
2013-07-26 [Evolution X]: I wanna post but I don't wanna just skip over people...
2013-07-26 [~Valkyrie~]: I'm waiting on Lillium
2013-07-26 [Figgy]: Er, I JUST posted though.
But if the people you're waiting on to post aren't relevant to your char's post, go ahead.
2013-07-26 [Evolution X]: I just don't like messing up the order of things in case people get mad. ._.
2013-07-26 [Figgy]: Meh, I approved it, they can get mad at me.
2013-07-26 [~Valkyrie~]: Oh, I didn't realize we were supposed to maintain an order
2013-07-26 [Figgy]: Not necessarily, at least with this many people in a room. Just don't leave them behind. (If there's three or less, or maybe even four, I prefer players to keep an order going.)
2013-07-26 [Figgy]: Anthony is poking a Shana thing 8>
2013-07-26 [~Valkyrie~]: ok
2013-07-26 [Evolution X]: That he is. For two reasons, one, cause it's something I can do, and two, now Casper has touched Anthony. ^_^
2013-07-26 [CuteCommander]: HF?! Lillium?!
2013-07-26 [Figgy]: I wasn't sure if Anthony realized that it's Shana tho XD
Casper has to willingly touch someone tho ; 3
2013-07-26 [CuteCommander]: Need to decide on whether to go ahead or not
2013-07-26 [Figgy]: That's up to you guys. I approve if you want to.
2013-07-27 [Evolution X]: I don't know if he's formally MET shana yet... and does that mean that Casper could still not turn into Anthony?
2013-07-27 [Figgy]: If he were to intentionally take his DNA info, yeah, but if he's not conscious of the fact that they're touching, then no. Tis how he's wired. :>
2013-07-27 [Evolution X]: ahhhh kk
2013-07-27 [Flisky]: *Tis how he's weird.
There, I fixed it for you Figgs. ^_^
2013-07-27 [Figgy]: Well he's weird too, yes XD
2013-08-04 [Evolution X]: Is it just Casper and Anthony in here? (and maybe a few... invisible characters, so to speak)
2013-08-04 [Figgy]: I think so. I'll post tonight.
2013-10-23 [Figgy]: *poke*
2013-10-23 [Figgy]: Casper is out for the moment btw. At least until I stop being so busy :>
2013-10-31 [~Valkyrie~]: Sorry for being gone so long, I kinda had some IRL shit going on.
2013-10-31 [Haunted Fate]: No worries, glad you see you back <3
2013-10-31 [~Valkyrie~]: Thanks.
2013-11-09 [~Valkyrie~]: *Poke*
2013-11-12 [~Valkyrie~]: I imagine her inflection being much like this version of the song:
2013-11-18 [~Valkyrie~]: Lil?
2013-12-09 [CuteCommander]: Can't post, so if someone could for me: Devlin put his nearly empty cup of hot chocolate down and sat at the table, watching Lillium take care of the smaller boy. "Lill will take care of you, little buddy," he said encouragingly.
2014-01-02 [Figgy]: *poke*
2014-01-09 [Figgy]: Deeeevlin?
2014-01-09 [Figgy]: reminder for CC
2014-01-10 [CuteCommander]: Cheers! Damn stupid phone...
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